Monday, January 29, 2007

Extended Blog #1

With our first Extended blog, we were asked to write 500 words about a pop culture text or item, and for some reason I was having the hardest time thinking of which item I was going to write about. Finally, I just thought of what my favorite popular movies and albums were, and I realized that is was literally staring at me right in the face. “The world is your’s,” is what the Scarface poster reads hanging in my room. Scarface, the ultimate cult and popular classic. The following that that movie carries is legendary. The movie Scarface has literally touched almost every avenue of the entertainment business today.

The movie Scarface has been emulated, revered, and replicated in every media outlet there is. Rap songs constantly refer to the movie, and that is just the start. The soundtrack has been heavily sampled, with as recent of an example the rapper Rick Ross and his song and video, “Push it to the Limit,” which has very heavy influences from the movie. There have also been a number of movies that have been influenced by the Scarface style, the smooth, rich gangster who lives in luxury in his extravagant house to go along with his extravagant lifestyle. 20 years later, and the movie is still being copied, even the videogame industry has hopped along the Scarface bandwagon. They have just released a Scarface game in 2006 and another one is scheduled for 2007. And, it almost goes without saying the popular phrases that you hear almost every day which come directly from that movie. People might hang on to catchphrases from a movie for a few years, and that is a success by today’s standards. People to this day still quote great phrases such as, “Say ‘ello to my littlle friend,” and, “Say goodnight to the badguy.” These lines echo in eternity. Also, one of the reasons Scarface has lasted so long and stayed relevant is the story arch. Anyone who watches the movie can identify and have love for Tony Montana’s struggle, his drive, his passion. And what is better is to watch him succeed. All in all, he is the “bad guy” but you still end up falling for his charisma and rooting for him. And in the end, you see his downfall, for we all know that a meteoric rise to the top no doubt leads to just as fast a fall. We also see the adverse effect that drugs had on him, and can identify the toll that it has on people, maybe not from personal experience but from outside knowledge.

As you can see, this is clearly one of my favorite movies. Which sounds cliché, because so many other people feel the same way, but no matter how lame it may seem, this movie has touched many lives, with varying degrees. And the fact that it is still so popular today speaks volumes.

I hope this blog was not too bad on any readers out there and I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you and have a nice day.


Troy said...

It is funny how scarface came out almost 30 years ago, and it still having an effect on pop culture today. Most of Rick Ross CD has sampled music from the movie.

Mehtab said...

I totally agree with you that Scarface is an amazing movie. I don't have a poster in my room yet but, its a great poster to have for motivation.

Jillian said...

I still HAVE NOT SEEN SCARFACE. So yeah, I've been living under a rock. Seriously though, it really is everywhere...I saw a parody of MTV cribs where they were all like "this is my scarface memorbillia" it really is sort of cliche now, but I'll have to see it.